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Change Your
Thought Playlist 

Free Workshop

Join Me on a free Zoom Call!

Tuesday May 14th at 8pm est. (45 mins-1hr.)

Learn specific strategies rooted in the truth of the Word to transform your thoughts.

Just like a music playlist, our thoughts can either energize us and push us to do more than we thought was possible, or they can keep us stuck and send us down a negative road.

We all have old thought "songs" that pop up in our heads.

Things like "I can't do this",

"I'm not good enough"

or "Things will never change." 

There are so many powerful thoughts that can enter our minds and change our behavior and emotions.

Join me on zoom and learn you some practical ways to 

change your thought playlist and have more positive thoughts based on God's truth running through your mind.

Learn how to truly take thoughts captive and practice new thoughts so you can have more daily peace, engage fully in the moment with others and do whatever God is leading you to do and dream!


Sign up below. You will first get confirmation email.  Click that and you'll get an email with all the details!


See you there!

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I love helping people learn ways to shift their thoughts and REALLY transform their minds.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

You can have more consistent peace and learn how to get to truth quickly when a negative song tries to pop up on your thought playlist.

The meeting will be about an hour and you will be encouraged and equipped with skills that will help you kick those old messages to the curb when they come up.

Get out of your head and be able to engage more fully with those around you.

Be inspired, uplifted and motivated to walk into who God has created you to be.

Let's have a thought playlist that is based on the truth of the word of God!

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

For over 12 years, I worked as a licensed clinical therapist helping clients with a variety of mental health issues.  I'm a Christian Life coach, master mental health coach and a professional artist. I am passionate about combining practical tools with the truth of the Bible to help others break free from fear and experience true freedom in Christ.

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Hi!   I'm Mel
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